
Notes and Crossings

Robert Haigh

Notes and Crossings
Siren Records : Siren 016

In the early eighties Robert Haigh released several highly acclaimed albums under the name of SEMA on his own label Le Rey Records. The most notable being 'Three Seasons Only'. He also contributed piano and recordings to various Nurse with Wound projects including: Homotopy to Marie, The Sylvie and Babs Hi-Fi Companion, Spiral Insana. The final release on Le Rey Records was his solo piano album 'A Waltz in Plain C' (CD) in 1989 and after that release Robert left London and settled in Hertfordshire.

20 years have passed since then. "Notes and Crossings" is the album that Robert has jokingly referred to as the follow up to 'A Waltz in Plain C'. "Notes and Crossings" is an album of pure piano music (with some treatments) - there is no use of percussion and electronic sequencing etc. The album is comprised of 14 pieces of written and improvised piano music, including an unreleased (but re-recorded) track from 1989 : 'Tomorrow Never Came'.

Robert says : "Piano is my real love and I am excited to have the challenge to work within the (limitless) limitations and expressions of this medium"

This is what long-time SEMA listeners expect from Robert Haigh, and will appeal to those who love works by Erik Satie, Claude Debussy and Harold Budd. In an edition 500 copies with hand-made miniature jacket sleeve designed by Faraway Press.

Siren Records is very proud to release this long awaited beautiful new album by Robert Haigh.


The Shadows Go Their Own Way

3月1日にSiren Recordsより新作CDがリリースとなります。

Artist: Andrew Chalk & Daisuke Suzuki
Title: The Shadows Go Their Own Way(邦題「影は気ままに」)
Label: Siren Records
Format: CD
Catalog #: Siren 015

Andrew Chalk & Daisuke Suzuki名義では"The Days After"に続く2作目のコラボレーションとなります。数年間にわたり二人で録り溜めた小作品が、アルバムの形になったのが昨年秋のこと。

その後、アルバムはWhitehouseやCurrent 93等の作品での仕事で知られるDenis Blackhamによるマスタリングによって完成しました。

全13曲収録のこのアルバムは、過去のAndrewの作品やMirrorの作品とは全く異なった作風となっています。"The Days After"や"Senshu"に近い感触かもしれません。スタイルととしてのDroneを好むリスナー向けではありませんが、スタイルに関係なく、Andrewの作品の根底に流れる本質を理解するリスナーには聞き応えのある作品に仕上がったと自負しております。

Andrew ChalkのパートナーであるVikki Jackman、Daisuke SuzukiのパートナーであるNaoko Suzukiも数曲で参加しています。

Andrew Chalk作成のプレスリリースを下記ブログに掲載しております。英文となっていますがご参照下さい。




Siren Records / 鈴木大介